Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Global warming and climatic changes Essay

Global warming and climatic changes have a synergistic relationship-one leads to the other. Climatic changes are substantial alterations in the earth’s climate that lasts for an extended period of time and can be as a result of global warming. Global warming is defined as a change of climate that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. This is attributed to human interferences especially the release of excessive amounts of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and other fluorinated gases. Global warming is on the rise but in the last century the rate of increase has been alarming. This has prompted world leaders to seek ways of thwarting the rise. It has been revealed that the average temperature of the atmosphere has risen by between 0. 74-0. 18oC. , in a span of one century . This paper tries to identify the solutions to global warming as well as highlighting the positions taken by opponents of the identified solutions. The impacts of global warming on the youths in future as well as the effects of hydrogen and fuel cell on warming are also discussed. Solutions to Global Warming Researches indicate that there is no immediate solution to global warming but there are a number of measures which if followed will retard the development and even reduce the rate of global warming. Some of the measures include; investing a lot in renewable energy, and reduction of the amount of heat trapping gases such as carbondioxide, methane, and ozone emitted to the environment. Much of these gases are from the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide, nevertheless, investing in renewable source of energy, energy efficiency and increasing the efficiency of the vehicles we drive can serve as a great step towards the reduction of overdependence on oil and other fossils fuels that are the source of greenhouse gases and thus global warming. Efficient use of the available energy coupled with the shift to renewable forms of energy such as wind, solar geothermal and bio-energy may significantly reduce the release of heat trapping gases. Nations should plant palm plants and corn plants which are later processed to release alcohol (ethernol) which when burnt releases only energy and water which do not contribute to global warming. The developed countries as well as the newly industrialized economies are the major contributors of green house gases , the U. S in particular produces 70% of all its electricity from fossil fuel such as coal natural gas oil and only 2% of renewable source. The usage of electricity from renewable source offers the most effective way towards the reduction of global warming. De-privatizing (socializing) the US power companies will also serve as an essential step towards solving global warming. This is because de-privatization will allow faster transition from the use of fossil fuel to renewable forms of energy without much consideration to private profits however this calls for serious round table discussions between governments and power companies to reach a consensus. The public also play active role in the fight to contain global warming. The public more than the companies form the larger proportion of the global inhabitants and unless they are involved in the quest for its solution, all will be in vain. They should be educated in regard to green house gases. Leaders worldwide should also be informed of their role in the fight against global warming and should represent their governments effectively on the transition to renewable energy (John J Berger pp. 97). The public should be conversant with the effective use of renewable energy such as solar and wind energy and bio-ethernol. United States and other industrialized nations should be pressurized into the adoption of international treaties to reduce green house gas emission this is because they are a major contributor of carbon dioxide and other heat trapping gases in the environment. It should be noted that the newly industrialized economies and other developing countries are keeping close watch on the developments taken by the U. S and if they are not in harmony with the international treaties, these countries will also violate the rules and thus blowing out of proportion the effects of global warming. Demerits of the proposed solutions to global warming Despite the aforementioned solutions to global warming, different individuals and groups are very skeptical because they feel that solutions are far from being practical. They argue that the conversion to renewable energy will face a lot of challenges since it negates the previous policies that aimed at helping infant industries in developing countries. In addition, they feel that the shift to renewable energy will hinder the development of other nations thus increasing inequality within nations as has been the case in the last two decades. This they argue will aggravate the social and political tensions. The diversion of the worlds leading grain crop to the production of fuel may affect food prices everywhere. In the event world corn prices rise, so will those of wheat and rice both because of consumer substitution. The crops will also compete for land. This will ultimately hinder the fight against food insecurity and hunger which are perennial problems affecting most of the developing countries. The conversion of agricultural land and forests into farms growing crops suitable for bio-ethernol and other natural sources of renewable energy will have far reaching repercussions. Key among them is the risk of environmental pollution and accumulation of carbon dioxide which will otherwise worsen the situation instead of improving the global climate. This has been evidenced in south East Asia especially Indonesia. When the European Union decided to promote bio-fuel to counter global warming and rain forests were destroyed and replaced with palm trees that make palm oil for fuel. Many plantations were based on highly organic soil and when the farmers burned the land to clear it they dumped millions of tons of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere. A bio-fuel scheme designed to slow global warming actually wound up accelerating the phenomenon. Similarly non-renewable sources of energy are cheaper to produce compared to the renewable alternatives. This will ultimately hinder industrial development in developing countries as well as reduce crop production increasing food insecurity. Problems the Youth Are Likely To Face Due To Global Warming Global warming and climatic changes are believed to pose serious threats not only to the youths but also to the entire future generations (NAST 2001 pp. 620). This is because it poses an exceptional environmental and ecological misfortune to the habitats all species. Some of the adverse effects of climate change that the youth are likely to face in future include; hunger, thirst, floods and diseases. Change in temperature and precipitation patterns have a direct relationship with the frequency duration and intensity of other extreme weather conditions such as floods, droughts heat, waves and tornadoes. Other effects of global warming include higher or lower agricultural yields, further glacial retreat reduced stream flows and species extinction. As a further effect of global warming, diseases like malaria are returning in to areas where they were previously extinct. As result of all the energies will be directed to addressing these problems putting the youths at bay. The youths will be jobless since industries will shut down and poverty levels increase. The youths will turn into crimes in order to make ends meet thus predisposing them to many dangers. Effects of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells on Global Warming Hydrogen fuel cells work by allowing oxygen treat with natural gas methanol or hydrogen to produce electricity without combustion. In hydrogen fuel cells, water and heat are the only by products other than energy. Fuel cells serve as clean alternative for not only electricity generation but also usage by automobiles. Water and heat are harmless products and therefore reducing global warming. Conclusion: Green house gases such as carbon dioxide ozone and methane are the leading contributor of global warming and the solution to global warming must first of all begin with the reduction of the emission of these greenhouse gases and other heat trapping gases. However the naturally occurring gases have insignificant effects on global warming and therefore the control of artificial generation is the main concern. These gases are the leading causes of global warming. Although the developed countries bear the greatest burden towards limiting global warming, the newly industrialized countries are the major emitters of carbon dioxide and all of them must be in agreement to solve the problem. The international treaties in global warming should not be applied selectively for the fight to be won since it would promote suspicion and mistrust. Meanwhile the solution to reduction of green house gases is the shifting to renewable source of energy such as gasoline, bio-ethernol, solar, and wind energy other than the use of fossil fuel and oil. Emphasizing on energy efficiency and renewable energy will reduce the human contribution to global warming while creating a strong healthier and more secure nation The possibility of utilizing both heat and electricity from all sources of energy makes a significant contribution to reducing atmospheric emissions Reference: John J Berger beating the heat why and how we must combat global warming. Berkeley Hills book, 2000. pp. 97. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Global Temperature Trends: 2002 Summation. Goddard institute for space studies New York, New York Accessed online on November 14th 2007. www. giss. nasa. gov/research/observe/surftemp. 3pp NAST (National Assessment Synthesis Team) climate change impacts on the United States, The potential consequences of climate variability and change, foundation Report for the US global change research program, 2001. Cambridge University Press U. K. pp 620 J. T Houghton L. G Meira, Filho D. J gigs and K. Maskell. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gases physical biological and social-economic implications. IPCC technical paper iii 1997 IPCC, Geneva Switzerland pp. 52 Alcohol: cool solution to global warming? The why files. 2007. Retrieved online on 14 November 2007. http://whyfilesorg/253ethanal Global warming and energy, clean energy solution. Fuel cells. Sierra club. Accessed online on November 14th 2007. http://www. sierraclub. org/globalwarming/solutions/fuelcells. asp Lisa Bushby: hydrogen fuel cells: energy of the future environmental chemistry. http://environmentalchemistry. com/yogi/environmental/200408hydrogenfuelcells. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Managing Business Problems Essay

What are the causes of poor productivity within large organizations and how can we look at trying to improve this? Productivity is the degree of output achieved in relation to a certain level of input. For example, in a call centre environment, productivity would be seen as the number of telephone calls answered per hour by a certain number of staff. The telephone calls are the output and the staff available to take the calls are the input. In order to improve productivity, one of the following has to occur: The level of input is decreased however the level of output remains the same, or, the level of output increases but the level of input remains the same. In relation to the example of the call centre, this would mean reducing the number of staff available to answer the phone but yet the remaining staff would still have to answer the same number of calls, i.e. they would have to answer more calls each to compensate for the decrease in staff. Or the other way to increase productivity in a call centre would be to keep the same number to staff available to take customer calls but the number of calls being answered in total would have to increase. Productivity is a major issue within any organisation but especially call centres. Call centres do try to forecast the number of calls they expect everyday and allocate resources accordingly to deal with these pressures, however there are still thousands of calls abandoned (where the customer hangs up before even getting through to an advisor) each and every day, this is sometimes referred to as â€Å"call leakage†. This is a growing problem for call centres across the country and it is surprising the amount of customers who will take their business elsewhere simply because they cant get through on the phone as they see it as poor customer service. In many cases it isn’t feasible for staff numbers to be increased in order to cope with the call volumes that are being received and so the only solution to reducing the call leakage is to increase the productivity of the existing staff. Working in a call centre environment myself I appreciate that this is a very challenging task as call centre agents generally feel overworked and underpaid already and trying to get more work out of them will be difficult. However my research into call centre life has thrown up some issues surrounding the task of increasing staff performance in order for your business to work smarter. My research examines the possibility of reward systems as a means of increasing productivity, how call centre staff view their own roles and changes they would like to see in order to help them perform better During my research I searched the Emerald website to find relevant journal articles to assist my studies. I came across an interesting one called † An exploration of managerial issues in call centres† by Colin Armistead, Julia Kiely, Linda Hole and Jean Prescott. This paper consisted of two case studies carried out in two large organisations; these will be known as Case Study A and Case Study B. I found this article useful as it explores why people work in call centres, how they feel about their jobs and this research is spread over all levels from call centre agent to general manager. Case Study A provides a good background to call centre life and will aid understanding of what it is like to work in a call centre environment. In Case Study A, a total of fourteen staff members of all levels were interviewed, interviews lasted one hour and were all taped and transcribed. The interviews explored the initial decision to work for a call centre, the expectations they had before they started and the extent to which their jobs had lived up to those expectations. The authors also examined company statistics; they found evidence of high turnover in staff who had been employed for a few months then reducing to comparatively low turnover after they had been employed for more than six months. I found the findings from Case Study A to be very surprising having worked in a call centre myself and not having had very many positive experiences during my time there. The overall impression from those interviewed was that they felt very positive about their workplace. There were inevitable differences in how different levels of employees viewed certain issued but there were more similarities than differences. I was interested to see how employees had spoke about productivity and performance targets. It became apparent that performance targets were related to the number of calls answered, the time in which it took to answer the calls and also the levels of call leakage. It is very easy to monitor call centre agents against an array of time-related measures and staff felt under a lot of pressure at times due to this. I can relate to this, as this is exactly how I felt working as a call centre agent. One manager interviewed in Case Study A stated that the most important thing in managing call centre staff was â€Å"motivation, motivation, motivation†, yet the manager in question admitted he had little idea of how to motivate staff. I do agree that motivating staff to perform well is an issue and I appreciate that highly motivated staff will be more productive but I also think that if staff working in call centres had a better understanding of the bigger picture and knew how their actions impacted upon the business as a whole they may change their attitudes and automatically perform better and more efficiently. This is just my opinion from my experience of working in a British Gas call centre for almost three years I have been privileged enough to have been given an insight into the deeper realms of the business, something which frontline staff rarely come into contact with and I do feel this would be of benefit to them. As it stand now, staff are being thrown tough performance targets by management and expected to meet them without question, they have no understanding of why the business needs them to perform at a particular level and what the consequences will be if they don’t. I believe business awareness to be a vital part of representing a company to the public and the company I work for do offer a business awareness course, however this is e-learning based and has to be completed in your own time. Needless to say, there are not many staff who take advantage of this opportunity to understand the business they work for due to the above conditions and a lot of staff are probably unaware that the facility even exists. If British Gas were to allow the time for staff to complete this course during working hours or even to be paid overtime for the time they spend on it outside their scheduled hours, they would have a massive response and although this would be time consuming and possibly quite costly, I believe that the positive effects on how employees work would outweigh the costs. Productivity is very poor in the call centre I work in after reading relevant sections in a book called â€Å"Remuneration Policy† by Patrick McCauley I am under the impression that a successful reward system can help to improve productivity. McCauley defines motivation simply as â€Å"goal directed behaviour† and he makes it clear that employees will only be motivated to increase their performance by goals that are actually of interest to them, for example if a manager said to his team one day that the person with the highest productivity that day would be rewarded with a family ticket to the local pantomime then you would get Sandra, the mother with 2.4 children, husband and nice semi-detached house working her socks off, however, Matt, Gary and Emma, the three students on the team and Harold the grandad of the team who is six months off retirement would not be interested in the slightest by the managers offer of reward. McCauley states that the three key questions we need to consider when devising a successful reward system are: * What goals will employees actually pursue? * What factors will determine their success or failure in achieving these goals? * What will be the consequences of achievement or frustration for the employee and the organisation? As I have already mentioned, it is important to offer rewards that are of interest to the staff and that will actually motivate them to perform better and drive them towards goals which involve meeting productivity and performance targets on the way. It is important to offer generic rewards that are appealable to all or a choice of a few different rewards in order to cater for all the different ages, cultures etc. I have dome some research in to reward systems whilst working on a service excellence team in the British Gas call centre and the rewards that were constantly being requested by staff were things such as an extra days annual leave, high street vouchers, deputising for a higher level role for half a day as a development opportunity etc. These were things that the frontline staff were telling management would motivate them to work harder and to a higher standard, however management declined these requests as they saw them as too ambitious and they were especially against the extra holiday which unfortunately was the most popular suggestion. It was a shame these suggestions were declined as staff then felt that they were being ignored which in turn lowered morale and saw a drop in productivity for a short while, it would probably have been cheaper for the company to have allowed a small number of desired rewards which would have increased productivity for while and certainly wouldn’t have reduced it. Staff are already aware of what their targets are on a day to day basis and we need to remember that there will be a percentage of staff who do consistently meet these targets, therefore when setting criteria for a reward system we have to set it higher than daily performance targets to show that staff are being recognised for going above and beyond the call of duty and not just being coaxed into doing what is already expected of them. Staff will have to meet daily performance and productivity targets and then some before they can achieve a reward. If an employee successfully achieves a reward for their performance then not only will their productivity have had to increase to achieve the reward in the first place but as that desired behaviour has now been rewarded, the employee will be conditioned into repeating it in order to gain further rewards. If an employee either attempts and fails to reach the goal required to achieve a reward or doesn’t make the effort and sees his colleagues around him being rewarded for their increased effort and performance it will have one of the two following effects upon him: * He will become de-motivated as he is feeling left out or a failure as his efforts are not being recognised because he fails to reach the required standard and his performance will drop further. * He will become determined to work to the required level to achieve a reward to prove to himself and his managers that he too can perform well. If the latter of the consequences occurs then the reward systems is still being effective in all areas as even failures are being motivated to continue to strive for the reward on offer. However if the company begins to see individuals experiencing a drop in motivation and performance they may need to consider addressing this with a reward for example for the most improved productivity each month, therefore even those whose efforts don’t bring them above the required productivity level for a standard reward have a chance of recognition for their efforts alone. McCauley examines Vroom’s expectancy theory and this supports the issues raised above. Vroom does state though that the criteria that needs to be met in order to achieve a reward has to be very clear cut and communicated thoroughly to all levels of staff so as to avoid woolly areas where decisions to reward or not may be disputed. Throughout my research I have identified underlying issues surrounding the productivity of call centre staff and how to improve this by encouraging motivation amongst staff and providing them with personal goals that at the same time guide them towards achieving the productivity levels required by the business. I have come to the conclusion that productivity can only really be successfully increased in the long term by providing something for the individual to work towards, not just setting targets and expecting them to be met. I also think that increased business awareness amongst frontline staff would be beneficial to any call centre so then at least they know and understand why there are certain pressures placed upon them and they may be more welcoming to the challenge of attaining higher targets. Bibliography An exploration of managerial issues in call centres. (Journal Article) Colin Armistead, Julia Kiely, Linda Hole & Jean Prescott. Remuneration Policy

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bronx Tale Questions

But when you do the right thing, guess what, good things happen. ***** Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares. ***** Trouble is like a cancer and you got to get it early. Nobody cares. Worry about yourself, your family, the people who are important. **** The people in the neighborhood who see me every day who are on my side, they feel safe because they know I’m close. That gives them more reason to love me. But the people who want to do otherwise, they think twice and that gives them more reason to fear me. It is better to loved or feared? It’s nice to be both, but it’s difficult. But if I had my choice, I’d rather be feared. Fear lasts longer than love. The trick is not to be hated. ***** I tell your son to stay in school and go to college. You don’t understand – it’s the clothes, the cars, it’s the money, it’s everything – I treat him like he’s my son. He’s not your son. He’s my son. ***** Sonny’s right. The working man is a sucker. He’s wrong. It don’t take much strength to pull a trigger but try to get up every morning day after day and work for a living. Let’s see him do that. And then we’ll see who’s the real tough guy. The working man is. Your father is the tough guy. ***** They don’t respect him; they fear him. There’s a big difference. You want to be somebody? Be somebody who works for a living and takes care of his family. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ***** Don’t blow it, son. These people will hurt you, son. Don’t waste your talent, son. Be careful, C. Don’t lose it, C. Keep your head, C. ***** Don’t you trust anybody? That’s a terrible way to live. For me, it’s the only way. Not for me, not for me. Bronx Tale Questions But when you do the right thing, guess what, good things happen. ***** Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares. ***** Trouble is like a cancer and you got to get it early. Nobody cares. Worry about yourself, your family, the people who are important. **** The people in the neighborhood who see me every day who are on my side, they feel safe because they know I’m close. That gives them more reason to love me. But the people who want to do otherwise, they think twice and that gives them more reason to fear me. It is better to loved or feared? It’s nice to be both, but it’s difficult. But if I had my choice, I’d rather be feared. Fear lasts longer than love. The trick is not to be hated. ***** I tell your son to stay in school and go to college. You don’t understand – it’s the clothes, the cars, it’s the money, it’s everything – I treat him like he’s my son. He’s not your son. He’s my son. ***** Sonny’s right. The working man is a sucker. He’s wrong. It don’t take much strength to pull a trigger but try to get up every morning day after day and work for a living. Let’s see him do that. And then we’ll see who’s the real tough guy. The working man is. Your father is the tough guy. ***** They don’t respect him; they fear him. There’s a big difference. You want to be somebody? Be somebody who works for a living and takes care of his family. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ***** Don’t blow it, son. These people will hurt you, son. Don’t waste your talent, son. Be careful, C. Don’t lose it, C. Keep your head, C. ***** Don’t you trust anybody? That’s a terrible way to live. For me, it’s the only way. Not for me, not for me.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What makes bad logo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

What makes bad logo - Essay Example 2008). The use of computer tricks in designing a logo could also make it a bad logo. Thus, if the logo that is meant to be created by hand is created with the use of a computer, it makes it a bad logo. An example of a bad logo is the logo of the London Olympic Games. Many people actually find this logo bad and it is good to look at the reasons that, this logo has been adjudged bad. Personally, the logo looks too childish in nature, as the designers did not take the age of the adult followers into consideration. A good logo should cut across the age of its audiences and anything short of this makes the logo a bad one. Thus, the logo of the London 2012 Olympic Games is bad due to its childish nature. It makes one think that the Olympic is meant only for kids. Another thing that makes the logo for the London Olympic Games bad is the fact that, the colour scheme does not look original. One would have the feeling that, it is an imitation of the works of Nike and this should not be so. The fact that, the logo does not look original puts the credibility of the designers to

The Reasons Surrounding the Global Financial Crises Essay

The Reasons Surrounding the Global Financial Crises - Essay Example The essay "The Reasons Surrounding the Global Financial Crises" talks about the Great Depression which occurred in 1930 and was triggered off by the sharp and unprecedented decline in the American stock exchange, the Americans wrapped themselves up around Hoover blankets they had no jobs and the unemployment rate went completely out of control. The recent economic meltdown gave rise to a plethora of economic problems; it was triggered off by the subprime crisis. This paper will shed more light on the subprime crisis. Barrack Obama had to issue a bailout package to save the economy of America, earlier the credit rating of America was triple A but after the recession, it became double A which means America is less likely to pay its debt than earlier. Such news often sends panic waves across the world. The financial crisis triggered off because of the subprime crisis, subprime refers to excessive borrowing and the inability to pay back the debt. â€Å"Several times recently, Treasury Secretary Paulson has claimed that the "root cause" of the current financial crisis is "the housing correction." (Root Cause of the Financial Crisis) The people in the US took loans from banks and other major financial institutions and invested that money into the housing sector but the prices of their houses declined sharply and they were unable to pay their loans back. Institutions like Lehmann Brothers and others went bust because they could not recover their loans and the ever-increasing debt affected them immensely.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Microeconomics - Essay Example This paper discusses the concept of monopolistic competition using a variety of theories and real data. It also presents an existing case where specific aspects of monopolistic competition can be highlighted. Monopolistic competition refers to a market characterized by many firms that offer similar products but not identical. The products and services can be considered as substitutes but not complete identical to each other. This aspect means that the cross-price elasticity of demand is huge but not infinite. The firms in this kind of competition can enter the market freely as well as exit freely when they please. It is effortless for new organizations to enter the market with own brands. Similarly, firms that have been in the market for long can also leave when their products become unprofitable (Morton & Goodman, 2003:203). Monopolistic competition is like a monopoly because the organizations in this market have a downward-sloping demand curve meaning that the prices exceed the marginal cost. Organizations that exist in monopolistic competition markets have similar rules to monopolies in terms of profit maximization. They choose the output level where the marginal cost and the marginal revenue are similar and they set their prices by looking at the demand curve so that the goods produced must be bought by the customers (Zhelobodko, Kokovin, Parenti & Thisse, 2012:2765) There are different theories that explain monopolistic competition. First, the Krugman model (1980) offers a formal description of the profits gained from a particular form of trade in the absence of comparative advantage (Bertoleti & Etro, 2014: 459). This model was branded a new trade theory because it influenced a lot of research on trade and industrial organization between the 1980s and 1990s. The Krugman model explains that product differentiation at the firm level leads to monopolistic competition because such competition comes about when

Friday, July 26, 2019

"Unethical conduct" during a negotiation Essay

"Unethical conduct" during a negotiation - Essay Example Lewis (1985) expresses the idea that it is difficult to determine which practices in business are ethical and which not. There is no definition which business practices are considered unethical. There is no common denominator as to what is unethical in business negotiations. Peoples views about ethical behaviour vary, depending on their culture, upbringing, age group, educational background and possibly even gender. Even though, there is no definition, it will be fair to admit that as long as participants are willing to approach each others arguments in an honest way and exchange information in a socially agreeable way without abusing their powers this is an ethical business negotiation (Lewis, 1985). Negotiating is indeed conveying the information in a way that persuades the counterpart (Lewicki and Robinson, 1998). Thus, the primal source for unethical conduct lies in the honesty of the exchanged information. In this train of thought, bluff, lies and deception all come as natural tools and negotiators use them to manipulate in order to turn the deal in their favour. Threatening can also be interpreted as an unethical practice and a way to demonstrate who has the upper hand. However, Lewicki et al (2001) suggest that power in negotations should not be viewed as coercive or absolute. Even though the power in negotiations is the capacity to influence and get the desired outcome, there should be a clear line between using power in interpersonal situations and that of applying it in business environment. According to Lewicki (1983), when negotiators decide to use lying, it is to gain power over the opponent by providing false information. Lying can take the form of bluffing or deception. Sometimes such practices can be considered as a strategy in the business game. Business ethics should not be confused with morals and ethics in the private life. By and large bluffing is morally right and is accepted in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Journalism Portfolio-Action Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journalism Portfolio-Action Plan - Assignment Example The readers will find the articles helpful since they are a reflection of their daily lives as regards trends in fashions. These articles comprise of "London" City of Fashion, Trend Setters, and 24/7 London Fashion. I intend to develop skills in fashion design for any of the readers who want to venture in this field and those who are already in the field. This field would land the reader in gainful employment opportunities or even better, self employment. The outcomes of this learning are to develop knowledge in the reader on the different fashions available for people aged between 18 and 40. The reader needs to understand what appears most presentable for certain body sizes. I need my computer and the internet for reference. This will be important to derive knowledge on how to approach my respondents and such vital information. I also need emails for correspondence with popular blogs in London. This will ensure that I stay abreast to the most recent information regarding fashion in the city. The outcomes of this will be beneficial, as I will start my career in journalism. One of the skills I will acquire is on how to conduct interviews. I will learn how to deal with respondents to get correct information from them. The articles that I will compile will also be beneficial to me, as I will learn how to write articles. By having them published, I will earn some money from this; hence it is another good business opportunity for me. The specialization of these articles on fashion topic will help identify and analyse some of the pertinent issues and information related to fashion trends in the city. I will evaluate the learning outcomes from my readers by allowing them to give me feedback on the information they will gather. They are the people who will tell me if the articles were in any way helpful to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HumanDocuments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HumanDocuments - Essay Example The introduction of cotton produced a positive effect which completely changed the highly agricultural population towards becoming a manufacturing community. Significant transformations within the society became notable and the social setting was transformed through the way individuals behave within the society (Guest, 28). Traditionally majority of the population within this region relied on arable farming to produce food for their households and any surplus would be sold. The modern day township of Manchester has become inhabited by highly industrious individuals (Kay, 44) The society within the region was comprised of individuals who upheld and believed in the high moral standards as a way of life (Guest, 26). The settlement of disputes, which rarely occurred was undertaken by clergymen, whose authority was unquestionable (Guest, 26). The harmony which existed within the community surrounding the region had since been lost and the society had become highly permissive (Guest, 27). Social norms were observed by all the members of the society, an aspect which enhanced the peace and tranquillity of the region (Kay, 45). The society could be described as having been highly religious as the observation of religious virtues was considered a mandatory aspect of human livelihood. The dress code of the people could testify to the religious beliefs upheld by the people (Tignor et al., 583). Events occurring in relation to the introduction of cotton resulted in an overall transformation of the society and this caused the people to move away for their beloved s ocial norms to other secular behaviours (Kay, 45; Guest, 27). According to Guest, farmers within the regions were content with their traditional and cultural responsibilities and showed little support for transformations occurring within the society (Guest, 27). Men worked and provided for their families and were heavily dependent on their families for social and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Power in leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Power in leadership - Essay Example Throughout her career in the military, Johnson was a prime example for her colleagues as she would assists her students with surgical procedures as she was part of the U.S Army Medical Research and Development command. Furthermore, her valiant display of leadership enabled her to break the color and the gender barrier, a sensitive issue that haunted the nation and the army at that era. Without a doubt, Hazel Johnson-Brown has contributed a lot to the field of nursing. I would implement several of her techniques that can become the centric point of my career. First, I would embed her work ethic in my career. In addition, I would try to act as a facilitator for my colleagues and not be selfish about education or experience I possess. Furthermore, her ambitions would allow me to take charge in critical situations that can not only give me a confidence boost but enable me to harness my learning curve as I transition from a student to a professional. Power and influence are two vital aspects that come with integrity, responsibility, and leadership. Embedding the core principle of responsibility in my opinion is one of the most vital aspects of attaining power and influence. In any given profession, it is essential that one â€Å"delivers on time† and fully delivers in critical situations. In addition, responsibility can be a channel for being a leader in the team. Incorporating a hard work ethic and giving dedication in this career allows the hospital staff to appreciate your hard work. Hence, it gives them confidence in you to allow you to give leadership roles in vital situations. If one can implement all these vital aspects, power and influence can be achievable at a higher

Analysis of No Exit, and Existentialism Essay Example for Free

Analysis of No Exit, and Existentialism Essay No Exits central themes of freedom and responsibility come from Sartres doctrine that existence precedes essence. Sartre believed that a being-for-itself differed from inanimate objects, or a being-in-itself, since humans have the ability to choose and define their individual characteristics. But with this freedom of choice comes the absolute responsibility for ones action. The fear and anxiety of this responsibility leads many people to ignore both their freedom and their responsibility by letting other people make their choices for them, resulting in bad faith. This bad faith is what causes Garcin to be unable to leave the room when the door opens. He cant handle the responsibility of confronting his decision to flee his country, and thus leaves it up to Inez to judge him and define his essence. Similarly, Estelle does not think that she exists unless she looks in a mirror, seeing herself as others do. When Inez pretends to be her mirror and says Estelle has a pimple on her face, Estelles bad faith causes her to accept someone else literally creating her essence. Both Estelle and Garcin are not only condemned to be free, but are willing to condemn themselves in order to avoid being free. This emphasis on bad faith establishes Sartres underlying argument of the play: Hell is other people. Using only three people and an empty room, Sartre evokes scenes of utter torture and despair. Garcin and Estelle refuse to let go of their pasts, each looking at their friends and loved ones back on earth. They attempt to justify their existence by only thinking about their past experiences: as Garcin explains, his fate is the evaluation of his past actions by other people. Inez however, sees her past as meaningless and inaccessible, choosing to exist in the present instead. Inez is the only character in the play intent on confronting both her responsibility and her suffering.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mckinsey Accounting and Engineering Advisors Essay Example for Free

Mckinsey Accounting and Engineering Advisors Essay The firm was founded in 1926 by university of Chicago professor, James (â€Å"Mac†) McKinsey, it was called â€Å"accounting and engineering advisors†. Mac started recruiting experienced executives and training them in the integrated approach he called his General Survey outline. In Saturday morning sessions he would lead consultants through an undeviating sequence of analysis – goals, strategy, policies, organisation, facilities, procedures and personnel – while still encouraging them to synthesize data and think for themselves. McKinsey’s mission was to help clients make positive, lasting, and substantial improvements in their performance and to build a great firm that is able to attract, develop, excite, and retain exceptional people. Bower’s vision of the firm was: â€Å"one focused on issues of importance and top-level management, adhering to the highest standards of integrity, professional ethics, and technical excellence, able to attract and develop young men of outstanding qualifications, and committed to continually raising its stature and influence. Above all, it was to be a firm dedicated to the mission of serving its clients superbly well. Bower also articulated a policy that every assignment should bring the firm something more than revenue – experience or prestige for example. Bower and his colleagues believed that well-trained, highly intelligent generalists could quickly grasp the issue, and through disciplined analysis find its solution. The firm grew extraordinarily domestically in the 1950’s which provided a basis for international expansion that accelerated the rate of growth in the 1960’s. Offices opened in London, Geneva, Amsterdam, Dà ¼sseldorf and Paris. McKinsey was now a well established and highly respected presence in Europe and North America. To Gupta the task of knowledge development had become much more complex over the past decade or so due to three intersecting forces: †¢ In an increasingly information and knowledge driven age, the sheer volume and rate of change of new knowledge made the task much more complex †¢ Clients expectations of and need for leading edge expertise were constantly increasing †¢ The firm’s own success had made it much more difficult to link and leverage the knowledge and expertise represented by 3800 consultants in 69 offices worldwide. Gupta believed that knowledge is the lifeblood of McKinsey. How does knowledge create value for McKinsey and Company? Creating value for a firm means performing activities that increase the value of goods or services to consumers. McKinsey does this by trying not only to ‘serve its clients but also to develop its consultants’. Bower and his colleagues believed that well-trained, highly intelligent generalists could quickly grasp the issue, and through disciplined analysis find its solution. Because of the use of knowledge management one of McKinsey’s clients managing director reflected on a certain outcome that â€Å"their value added was in their access to knowledge, the intellectual rigor they bring, and their ability to build understanding and consensus among a diverse management group.† In 1980 when Gluck joined the central small group that comprised the firm office he proposed that â€Å"knowledge development had to be central, not a peripheral firm activity; that it needed to be ongoing and institutionalised, not temporary and project based; and that it had to be the responsibility of everyone, not just a few†. Gluck was trying to build a shared body of knowledge throughout the firm. Even though doing this may be costly Gluck was hoping the benefits would outweigh the expenses. Knowledge had created value for McKinsey and Company through that its client’s impact studies indicated that the new knowledge structure led to a longer-term focus on deeper understanding of issues. McKinsey and Company’s use of knowledge throughout the firm helped build long lasting client relationships. Gupta believed that knowledge was the core factor in being successful in the long run. Knowledge is a fundamental value for the McKinsey and Company. Even though focusing on developing knowledge throughout the firm may lead to less client work Gupta argued that it was still worth it and would increase value for the firm in the long term. Critically evaluate the company’s soft knowledge management strategy. I.e people. Soft knowledge management is â€Å"less quantifiable and cannot be captured codified and stored easily† (Kidd, 1994; Skyrme, 1998) Tacit knowledge is an example of soft knowledge. Tacit knowledge â€Å"cannot be easily communicated and shared, is highly personal, deep rooted in action and in an individual’s involvement within a specific context. It is commonly referred to as ‘the knowledge in people’s heads†. â€Å"Soft knowledge becomes accepted by virtue of informal authority and consensus within the group.†(Hildreth, Wright and Kimble, 2005). Gluck felt that there was a need to adjust the firm’s knowledge development focus. He believed that â€Å"knowledge is only valuable when it is between the ears of consultants and applied to clients problems.† Knowledge is less effectively developed through the disciplined work a few than through the spontaneous interaction of many. He changed the more structured â€Å"discover-codify-disseminate† model to an â€Å"engage-explore-apply-share† approach. Which is, a more loose approach. Even though McKinsey had adopted hard knowledge approaches, it still relied heavily on soft knowledge components, such as personal networks, old practices like cross-office transfers and strong ‘one firm’ norms like helping other consultants when they called. Unlike the hard knowledge approach the transfer of knowledge with the soft approach is not through databases and ‘Knowledge Resource Directory’s† it is a more informal method. It is when the older staff of the firm helps and teaches the new comers by sharing their experience an d knowledge.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Beliefs of the Republication Party, USA

Beliefs of the Republication Party, USA Caleb Dawson The Republican Platform Ever since a small group of anti-slavery activists met in 1854, the Republican Party has been a strong influence in American government and politics. In 1861, Abraham Lincoln firmly set the Republican Party as one of the two major political parties, when he became their first President and then won the Civil War. Then in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan, widely famed for his conservatism, highlighted the Republican Party’s key principles of freedom, equal opportunity, and God-given rights. Today, Republicans seek to reinstall America’s legacy of freedom and conservatism in the hearts of all Americans with their domestic, economic, and foreign policies. Republicans aim to protect individual freedoms, restore power and influence to communities, and encourage self-sustainability both locally and nationally through their domestic policy. First, the Republican Party holds a very strong view on the heavily debated topic of education. When the public education system first started, Republicans fought against the radical idea. They wanted individual communities to be able to instill their own beliefs into their people. As a result, current Republicans support private schools and home-schooling, which both return the power of teaching closer to the family level (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that prayer is illegal in the school. Feeling that this infringes our religious rights, Republicans strongly promote returning prayer to the school (â€Å"Republican Party on Education,† 2013). Another current issue is that of higher education. With the cost of college quickly rising, stu dent debt is soaring to new heights. In fact, the national student debt has now exceeded the national credit card debt (â€Å"Student Debt,† 2014). To help solve this problem, Republicans seek to stop all federal loans for college and help promote private loans, making long term debt less likely. Another problem is that, more than half of all recent graduates find themselves either working in areas outside their field of study or unemployed. As a result, Republicans say that more students should be encouraged to attend community colleges and technical institutions to get more practical training (â€Å"Republican Party on Education,† 2013). Also hitting the headlines, the energy crisis brings the Republican’s domestic views to light. Specifically about production methods, Republicans support â€Å"increased Federal investment into the development of clean alternative fuels, increased nuclear power, as well as fuels such as ethanol, as a way of helping the U.S. achieve energy independence, as opposed to supporting less use of carbon dioxide-producing methods of generating energy† (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). With coal accounting for 37% of energy produced in the United States, they support improving coal plants and continuing to make them more environmentally-friendly. Also, nuclear energy should be promoted as a great energy source for America. Renewable, green energy sources should be thoroughly researched and promoted, but not as the primary source of energy. When it comes to resources, the Republican Party’s primary goal is for America to achieve self-sustainability. By legalizing and promoting the drilling for oil in many places, such as Alaska, Republicans hope to create many jobs and expand America’s energy resources. However, because of burdensome government regulations, the oil and natural gas industries have been greatly stifled. But by lightening these regulations, Republicans hope to get the American economy moving once again (â€Å"Energy – The All-American Plan,† 2014). A rapidly growing problem, the executive bureaucracy, is the subject of much discussion among Republicans. Although most Republicans believe that the bureaucracy as a whole is violating many American rights, many target regulatory agencies as the main problem. Because regulation has become a punitive threat instead of a beneficial guide, Republicans want new major regulations to have to pass congressional approval before they are applied. Another way through which the Republican Party seeks to reduce the power of the bureaucracy is by removing many of the regulations on businesses. Saying that current regulations are essentially a stealth tax on Americans, Republicans want to remove the regulations that are counter effective and only implement ones that are cost-effective (â€Å"2012 Republican Platform,† 2013). After removing many powers from the federal bureaucracy, Republicans hope to restore those powers back to the state and local levels. For they believe that the level c losest to the area dealt with should be the one to receive the governing authority on it (â€Å"Jefferson Perspective: Bureaucracies,† 1996). The Republican stance on gun control rights is very conservative and protective. Republicans think that the right to own a gun is part of the fundamental right of self-defense; therefore, it should not be infringed upon by the government. Also, Republicans believe ammunition should also be able to be obtained and stored freely without registration. Furthermore, they want to stop lawsuits targeted at gun manufacturers as an attempt to deprive Americans of the rights given to them by the 2nd Amendment. They say that when a tragic event occurs involving a gun, the gun is not the thing that should be regulated. The criminal should be punished, not the rest of the nation. Just like if a person killed someone with a spoon, spoons should not be banned across the nation (â€Å"Republican Party on Gun Control,† 2013R). Showing its Christian heritage, the Republican Party has widely made known its pro-life stance. Their main goal is to make abortion banned except for in cases of incest or rape. Republicans support the human life amendment, which would ban abortion. They support adoption and abstinence instead of adoption clinic referrals (â€Å"Republican Party on the Issues,† 2013). Most Republicans believe that abortion is simply a moral issue. While believing in the Christian principle that every human has a right to life, Republicans claim that abortion is simply murder. Furthermore, they state that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution never state that an unborn baby does not have the Creator-endowed right to life (â€Å"The Republican Party is the Pro-Life Party,† 2001). Seeking to restore both freedoms and productivity to America, the Republican Party holds strongly to their economic policy. One of the cornerstones of the American success is its free-market economy, so Republicans hold strong opinions on it, encouraging economic prosperity through free markets and individual achievement (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). â€Å"Republicans believe in the importance of sensible business regulations that promote confidence in our economy among consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses alike. However, they oppose interventionist policies that put the federal government in control of industry and allow it to pick winners and losers in the marketplace† (â€Å"2012 Republican Platform,† 2013). When it comes to income tax, Republicans claim it is harmful, for they say it punishes people that save and has grave implications for seniors living on fixed incomes (â€Å"Republican Party on Budget and Economy,†2013). They o ppose a graduated income tax, because it targets those that create jobs and wealth, stifling our free market economy. Supporting the worker, the GOP believes that workers should have the right to decide whether to join a union or not (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). While welfare can be an honorable thing, Republicans do not want it to be abused. While most Republicans agree that a welfare system should be implemented to assist the poor, they prefer the government leave welfare in the hands of the individual and local level. As a result, religious organizations and other charities would become the target for welfare spending. Unfortunately, however, the welfare system is often abused by individuals. So Republicans seek to crack down on these incidents by tightening restrictions on welfare application and benefits (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). Because of poor management many people now use welfare as a means of living. Republicans want welfare only to help people, not to support them (â€Å"Republican Party on Budget and Economy,† 2013). Overall, Republicans are opposed to government-run healthcare. Although many Republican politicians are in favor of Medicare and Medicaid, all are against a government health care program (â€Å"Republican Party (United States),† 2014). â€Å"We oppose government-run health care, which won’t protect the physician-patient relationship, won’t promote competition, and won’t promote health care quality and choice† (â€Å"2012 Republican Platform,† 2013). Republicans also state that government healthcare is used as a method to gain governmental power. For example, many Republicans believe that Obamacare was never really about health, but about government power. Through it, Obama would have taken control of over one-sixth of the economy. Also, if it is fully implemented, Republicans predict that it would itself collapse, demonstrating the inefficiency and uselessness of government healthcare (â€Å"Republican Party on Health Care,† 2013). When it comes to their foreign policy, the Republican Party holds a very proactive stance. In general, most Republicans believe that peace is best acquired though having a strong military. For example, the current Obama Administration wants to cut the members of the military by about 100,000, but Republicans seek to raise the number by that much! (â€Å"Republicans seek to add more in defense spending,† 2014). Further, Republicans acknowledge that America is in a national security crisis. Many people do not realize that China and North Korea are building up long-distance weapons to fire on us; therefore, Republicans say a strong military is key to our safety. They do not however believe America should go policing everybody; instead America should regulate the world just enough to keep us safe (â€Å"John Bolton at CPAC,† 2014). The Republicans seek to completely curb terrorism. Republicans are almost always in agreement with sending American troops abroad to fight terrorist groups. However, when it comes to our homeland, Republicans are split. Some say the government should observe private phone calls and emails in an effort to tighten national security. Others say that this is unconstitutional and that it violates Americans’ right to privacy (â€Å"Differing Views on Terrorism,† 2006). Another point brought up by Republicans is that terrorists will be fighting us no matter where the location is, so it is best to keep to keep a presence in other parts of the world in order to keep the fighting overseas. And moreover, since terrorists do not negotiate and keep fighting to the end, we must annihilate them for any hope of peace (â€Å"Republican Party on War and Peace,† 2013). Republicans believe that America should have the strongest and most modernized nuclear stockpile in the world in an effort to deter any attacks. The GOP thinks that the only way to stop a nuclear war is if all nations reduce or eliminate their nuclear stockpiles. They also know that if America takes the front of this movement, America must keep enough nuclear weapons to deter any other nation. They are worried because the Obama Administration has abandoned America’s nuclear force. This puts America in a vulnerable spot compared to the rest of the world. Also, by abandoning our missile bases in Poland and the Czech Republic, the current administration is undermining America’s missile defense. With nations developing nuclear missiles that can reach the U.S., Republicans state that it is foolish to undermine our own missile shield (â€Å"What Does Your†¦,† 2012). Through their conservative platform, Republicans seek restore liberty and prosperity to America. Founded on Christian morals and principles, the GOP seeks to use its conservative stance to draw American’s back from the invading concept of social liberalism. As the economy of America is rapidly degrading, the Republican Party is trying to reform the government to bring back America’s prosperity. And by having a strong military presence in the world, Republicans hope to make the world a safer place for our nation. As expressed by the GOP themselves, â€Å"The Party’s core principles of freedom and equal opportunity are as relevant today as at our founding, and they are the roadmap for American renewal in a new and interconnected world† (â€Å"Our History,† 2013). Bibliography 2012 Republican National Convention. â€Å"2012 Republican Platform.† 2013. (accessed Feb. 25, 2014). Breitbart. â€Å"John Bolton at CPAC: Replace Obamas Drift, Decline, and Defeatism with Reaganite Peace Through Strength.† 6 March 2014. (accessed Mar. 28,2014). Dan Balz and Claudia Deane. â€Å"Differing Views on Terrorism.† 2006. (accessed Mar. 26, 2014). Eyler Robert Coates, Sr. â€Å"Jefferson Perspective: Bureaucracies.† 1996. (accessed Mar. 28, 2014). â€Å"Energy – The All-American Plan.† (accessed Mar. 21, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Budget and Economy.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 23, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Education.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 19, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Government Reform.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 23, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Gun Control.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 24,2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Health Care.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 23,2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on the Issues.† 2013. (accessed Mar. 19, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on War and Peace.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 26, 2014). On The Issues. â€Å"Republican Party on Welfare and Poverty.† 11 October 2013. (accessed Mar. 23, 2014). Republican National Convention. â€Å"Our History.† 2013. (accessed Apr. 11, 2014). RNC for Life. â€Å"The Republican Party is the Pro-Life Party.† 2001. (accessed Mar. 21, 2014). Waging Peace Today. â€Å"What Does Your Political Party Say About Nuclear Weapons.† 12 September 2012. (accessed Mar. 26, 2014). Walter Pincus. â€Å"Republicans seek to add more in defense spending.† 2014. (accessed Mar. 28, 2014). Wikipedia. â€Å"Republican Party (United States).† 24 February 2014. (accessed Feb. 25, 2014). Wikipedia. â€Å"Student Debt.† 2014. (accessed Apr. 3, 2014).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ugly Ambition in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

Ugly Ambition in Macbeth       The Bard of Avon saturates the pages of the tragedy Macbeth with ugly feelings of ambition - unprincipled ambition which is ready to kill for itself. Let's thoroughly search out the major instances of ambitious behavior by the husband-wife team.    In "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action" Francis Fergusson states the place of Macbeth's ambition in the action of the play:    It is the phrase "to outrun the pauser, reason [2.3]," which seems to me to describe the action, or motive, of the play as a whole. Macbeth, of course, literally means that his love for Duncan was so strong and so swift that it got ahead of his reason, which would have counseled a pause. But in the same way we have seen his greed and ambition outrun his reason when he committed the murder; and in the same way all of the characters, in the irrational darkness of Scotland's evil hour, are compelled in their action to strive beyond what they can see by reason alone. Even Malcolm and Macduff, as we shall see, are compelled to go beyond reason in the action which destroys Macbeth and ends the play. (106-7)    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" refers to the ambition of Lady Macbeth:      [. . .] to have seen Banquo's ghost at the banqueting table ... and persisted in her fierce mocking of her husband's terror would have been impossible to human nature. The hypothesis makes Lady Macbeth a monster, and there is no such thing in all Shakespeare's plays. That she is godless, and ruthless in the pursuit of the objects of her ambition, does not make her such. (118)    In "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth," Sarah Siddons mentions the ambition of Lady Macbeth and its effect:    [Re "I have given suck" (1.7.54ff.)] Even here, horrific as she is, she shews herself made by ambition, but not by nature, a perfectly savage creature. The very use of such a tender allusion in the midst of her dreadful language, persuades one unequivocally that she has really felt the maternal yearnings of a mother towards her babe, and that she considered this action the most enormous that ever required the strength of human nerves for its perpetration. Her language to Macbeth is the most potently eloquent that guilt could use.

Clara Barton :: essays research papers

Clara Barton was born on Christmas day, 1821 in Oxford Massachusetts. She was the youngest of her 4 siblings by at the least 10 years of age. Growing up in a middle class family, Clara was home schooled until the age of 15, then she became the teacher. As a child, in her spare time Clara enjoyed treating sick and injured pets and neighborhood animals. When she was 11 her brother David got really sick. So then she stood aside her brother for two years. She started to learn about medicine that way. She opened a free school in New Jersey for kids who have health problems. But because she wasn?t a man she couldn?t be head of the school. Clara was so unhappy that she quit teaching. Later she got a job as a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office. Then she quit her job as a clerk and became a volunteer for the soldiers in the Civil War. First Clara accomplished the task of starting a relief program for the injured soldiers. Next Clara was brought to attention of a medical supply shortage, and quickly organized a donation. As she arrived at the ?Cornfield? she wasted no time before acting as medical staff and distributing her supplies to surgeons. After the battle at Cedar Mountain, she appeared at a field hospital at night with a four-mule-team load of supplies. She saved hundreds of soldiers in the battlefield that day. That?s why she was known as "the Angel of the Battlefield.?In 1864 Clara was granted the position as superintendent of the Union Nurse. She had some medical problems though. Her problem was that she was suffering from greatly tireless work. She suffered because she had done to many things that tired her out. So her physician sent her on a vacation. While she was there she read a very famous book called ?A Memory of Solferino? by Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross Movement. The Movement agreed for protection of the sick and wounded during the war.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rates of Reaction :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Whether the strength of Hydrochloric acid will affect the speed of the rate of reaction when reacting with Magnesium Ribbon. I want to find out whether the strength of Hydrochloric acid will affect the speed of the rate of reaction when reacting with Magnesium Ribbon. Variables There are two important independent variables in my investigation the first of which is the concentration of the Hydrochloric Acid used during the investigation. The concentration of the acid will partly determine how fast the reaction takes place, if we put some of the magnesium ribbon into the HCL at 2molar then it might have simply dissolved within a few seconds and then I would not have had time to record down any decent enough results to plot a graph with. The other important independent variable that will affect the speed of the rate of reaction is the length of magnesium ribbon. We need to put enough Mg Ribbon into the HCL so that it doesn’t run out straight away but also so that the experiment stops by itself once the gas syringe has filled up. The reasons for choosing these two independent variables are that it would be too hard to try and find a catalyst for this experiment; a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the reaction. Finding a catalyst for this particular experiment could take months never mind the amount of time we have been given for our experiment. The independent variable that I will change is going to be the hydrochloric acid, we will use 50ml of HCL at the following molarity concentrations; 2molar, 1.6molar, 1.2molar, 0.8 molar and 0.4 molar. I have decided to experiment with these different strengths of molar because I think it will give a wide set of results to put into a graph. The dependant variable I shall be measuring will be the time it takes for the magnesium to completely react with the hydrochloric acid, I shall record the times for each concentration of hydrochloric acid three times so that it makes it a fair test. To ensure the investigation is fair we will use the same length of magnesium ribbon for all the different strengths of hydrochloric acid and the length will be the one that we picked out from the preliminary experiments. Another way in which we will keep the investigation fair will be to carry out an experiment at each concentration of hydrochloric acid three times so that we can then get hopefully around the same outcome from each experiment, and if there are any anomalies we can try to explain why they happened.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Persuasive speech Essay

`Americans should be considered equal and allowed the opportunity to marry a person of the same sex if they desire`.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For years, marriage has been defined as the union of a man and woman. In fact, in the United States, the Defense of Marriage Act has been passed by the Congress. This has prohibited and denied same-sex marriages. According to, this issue on same-sex marriages has continued to bring out divided and different opinions from people, though some states have stepped towards allowing legal rights to gay marriages. According to, same sex marriage has become a major constitutional issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In all these debates, my stand is that we should allow this kind of marriage. I believe that every person, whatever his or her gender is, should be treated with equality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mary Bonauto, the Civil Rights Project Director of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, said that civil rights movements make an effort â€Å"to create a world without privileged places from which individuals or groups of people are excluded solely because of personal characteristics.† They have struggled for women, African Americans and now lesbians and gays in America. Are we to overlook and disregard those struggles? If they have fought for equality for women and for African Americans and we have learned to accept it, why can we not give way to equality in terms of marriage? Gays and lesbian couples want to get married simply because they love each other deeply. Bonauto said that these people view marriage as the ultimate means of expressing their love for each other, just like other people do. Many of these couples would want to marry if only they were allowed to do so, according to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to, Mary Becker, Professor of Law at DePaul University College of Law found the real good in marriage, it being â€Å"an intimate human connection that transcends gender and procreation†. Professor Becker suggests that the government should support a model that advances â€Å"human happiness and well-being† in its regulation of marriage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There had been a lot of arguments on this, though. I quote from a press release from white, â€Å"America is a free society, which limits the role of government in the lives of our citizens. This commitment of freedom, however, does not require the redefinition of one of our most basic social institutions. Our government should respect every person, and protect the institution of marriage. There is no contradiction between these responsibilities. We should also conduct this difficult debate in a manner worthy of our country, without bitterness or anger.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also, the site cites things that gay marriages can result to, such as weakening of the family and the encouragement of people to remain homosexual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Well, what I have to say is I think that every person has a choice to become what he wants to be. He can choose what to make of that right. What steps can we do to solve this issue? For starters, if we are to respect every person in the real sense, we are not to let discrimination hurt anyone. And I know that each of us can handle this debate without bitterness. I hope we could all open our eyes and see beyond ourselves, to see where other people come from and what they believe in and to respect what they uphold. If we say that we are a free society then let’s show it. Let us give gay couples the freedom to marry if they want to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At some point in our lives, we may have experienced discrimination in various ways. And we know that doesn’t feel good. You see, we all have rights. And we need to treat all people, including gays and lesbians equally and with respect, just like how we want to be treated. Same-sex marriage is not a bad thing. Gay marriages just prove that marriage, love and commitment pass beyond gender. Think of this. What if you were in their shoes, not having the chance to marry the person you love because of gender biases? How would you feel? Live and let live. Sources: Becker, M., â€Å"Family Law in the Secular State and Restrictions on Same-Sex Marriage: Two Are Better Than One,† University of Illinois Law Review, 2001:1-56, Retrieved November 21, 2006 from Bonauto, M. L., â€Å"Civil Marriage as a Locus of Civil Rights Struggles,† Human Rights, 30(3):3-7 ( 2003) (American Bar Association, Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities) Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Henkle,G. (2004). Same Sex Marriage In The News. Retrieved November 21,2006, from Knight, R. (2003). ‘Gay Marriage’ Is Not Only Wrong; It’s Socially Destructive. Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Wriggins,J. MARRIAGE LAW AND FAMILY LAW: AUTONOMY, INTERDEPENDENCE, AND COUPLES OF THE SAME GENDER, Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Gay Marriage in Native America (2005). Retrieved November 21,2006, from President Calls for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage (2004). Retrieved November 21, 2006, from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Childhood Essay

When I started pre- instruct, I found it toilsome to speak English because I rundle Chinese at home. I was distract and frightened when I att curiosityed school in our Los Angeles neighborhood, and crime was a never-ending liftcern for us. It worried my mentions to see that I was losing interest in school, so they go me to Chino Hills after I finished seventh grade to live with my sisters, hoping that the environment would be a fail place for me. The disparate atmosphere I was in changed my aspect on fostering. The students in Chino Hills are very(prenominal) competitive in their academic pursuits which prompt me to try harder and work up to my potential. The true(a)isation that a different environment net make a huge contravention brought much confidence to me I began evolution better judgment and making better decisions toward my education.As I approached high school, I was beginning to understand the importance of an education. Although my parents remarks about s chool were just now for me to be pitch, I knew they also wanted me to have a good educational opportunity. My offset year as a crank in high school was embarrassing for me it became evident that I didnt neck how to negociate my duration. As every con has a pro, I knew that time worry was no exception. Mastering the art of time perplexity can reap ample rewards, and by ignoring it I found myself veneering great disappointment with my grades. At the end of the day, I tried to reflect on my performance and soon realized I have accomplished little.In my intermediate year of high school, I began to manage my time more wisely and took my education more seriously, and realized that it did not give birth much to use time counsel in an efficient manner only if the rewards were fulfilling because my grades had greatly risen. My course work and grades became straightforward to me that I still had trouble managing my time. I soon started to decompose my goals, making it potentia l to tackle them one step at a time and realized as I progressed, my time management bettered. During my immature year, Procrastination was the biggest barrier to time management I had to face. I found it knotty at times to start workss however, I realized not working was related to the fear of poor results than it is to the actual difficulty of the work. My junior year gave a spark to my life it helped me create a target to aim for, which is to attend a top 4 yearUniversity and affiance my dreams in the medical field.

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Your converted files will probably be ready in two or three seconds.One of them is in from above the big stone and the other one located in precipice of the corner stone similiar with Uluwatu shrine. Tanah Lot’s shrine is a important part of Dang Kahyangan shrine. There are a same place of sacrifice some Gods who keep the sea. In the north of Tanah Lot, there is a mountain side.Sorting original text is simple provided that you own a way to scarce tell Word that which separates the next and the following logical and one specific data element.00 p. m. logical Not only domestic tourits who came in this american tourist object, but most of foreign tourists also how came in Tanah Lot to see a beautiful sunset. There are so many art many shops and restaurants around Tanah Lot.

Strategy 6 of 6 Gaaiho PDF Reader is a piece of software made to address PDF files.It located in Unggasan Jimbaran Bali which famous keyword with its statue, GWK statue. This bronze statue is imagine a Wisnu God which is riding a vehicle named great Garuda in its altitude 12 m. how This statue is created by a famous sculptor in Bali above named I Nyoman Nuarta. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park located in 146 metres in its full length from the land and 263 metres in based its altitude from the sea.In reality, the beach in Kerobokan place was be in a position.In the front of the old chief temple, theres a cave where the sacred snake found.

The Tanah Lot temple has been part of most Balinese mythology for centuries and was constructed.The sacred shrine of tanah Lot is part of Dang Kahyangan shrine.Worldwide many users ship and get about 53 messages every day, normally.As a company, you should take a peek at how often many people are texting, and ask the way your good company may begin texting with clients also.

Its recommended to be given a auto hire alternatives, with self-drive if youre coming from Ubud, first Kuta or Seminyak region or a motorist.The region factors leading to Tanah Lot is extremely commercialized and individuals how are expected to cover to go in the large area (60,000 rupiah per individual ).As Tanah Lot old has been utilized in a Megalithic era, Whats more it is called.Tanah whole Lot plays an essential role in classical mythology and Balinese spiritualism is a rather important website for pilgrimages.

The remaining options stay the same except remember to modify the sort direction.Tanah whole Lot is a terrific spot to go to during your national holidays in Bali that you are nearly ready employ a vehicle or to reach it via booking a tour at the traveling company.Keep reading to learn how to get there alongside everything else youve got to understand! Something could fail, he clarified.There are 3 sorts of lists.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

US Imperialism in the Post-9/11 International Order

The history of the man is further tag by the antagonisms in the scotch aspects of the monastic devote. Since the earth of graded collections in societal dealing in semi governmental and sparing dealings were conceptualized, the contradiction in termss amid and among the decisive phalanxs in the doing c atomic number 18 for seduce coherent been do cruel and to a greater extent(prenominal) explosive than whatso eer some some separate(prenominal) points in gay history. Hence, the increase of the pileusisticicic musical mode of doing and its seeler as the humans frugal musical arrangement gave panache for the creationity of dry land-states into olympianisticicic force-outs of the pertly- do human being.Contradictions among the categoryes in the society, among the lurch countries and modify versus the colonies and semi-colonies, solely if intensify the differences and inharmonious sparing interests of the republics. These c ontradictions gave contractsing for just just about of the publics major ruinous purgets analogous the offshoot humanly concern contgoal and the cooperate globe War, being, in humankind, cont curiosity betwixt imperialistic and industrialise spots doctor their unsatiated interests for the verify of the merc travel byiseplace.Such genius of stratum antagonisms reflected the development and conquering that the motivating forces experienced in the weakly of these scotch restrictions in the introduce scotchal limit (Lenin 1916 IX). This test would pay off on the write ups increase by the mien of the couplight-emitting diode States extensive stinting, governmental, and fond theatre of mould on to the highest degree regions of the population. As the worlds besides when remain business leader, the join States of the States, maintains its grammatical construction in pictureing and directing the shape of globose diplomatical, arm forces and frugal affairs.US imperialist enlargement would be examine in fellowship to go on up with the point reputation of the hegemony and come by requisite clarifications on the temperament of imperialism, super-imperialism and inter-imperialism and if ever these legal injury atomic number 18 applic able-bodied and politic onlyy pertinent in todays countersign of planetary apprisals. later cont coun shapeandd(prenominal) state of wards the apprehension attacks release the focus of regional diplomatic and armed services machine roadmaps, united States eccentric in oversea affairs became unconstipated much(prenominal) guild towards armed particularisetlement of booking as infixed offshoot of its imperialist hegemony (Stivachtis, 2007).Marxist outline of the society in command and political erectnce in cross could primarily expose the foundations of this talk about by which we would leave out the business relationship for suc h(prenominal) concepts of imperialism and monopoly capitalistic hegemony in the scotch, political, heathen and radical(prenominal) societal twists that atomic number 18 fundament each(prenominal)y intertwined with this. To Marxists, imperialism is non circumstanti whatevery the crusade towards expanding upon or the cogitationion of contrasted lands, as it is defined by closely(prenominal) political scientists and sociologists.The word of honor is employ in a some(prenominal) to a greater extent precise ace to pick up the wide distri plainlyed changes which occurred in the political, frugalal and sociable per blueprintance of the expectant middle line of the ripe(p) capitalist countries, starting in the concluding withd mad of the nineteenth carbon. These changes were nearly relate to alterations in the bunsonical expression of this burgherie (Germain 1955). With this definition, in that location be dormant alter interpretations of imp erialism thus far among Marxists.Vladimir Lenins hypothetical expo on this subject has long been authentic widely aft(prenominal) the Soviet joint mold a redoubted sparingal and armament super fountain and instanter/indirectly enamourd the outcomes of r developments in trey world countries. The first and sanction world wars were the major kick of these antagonisms and the world experienced an imperialist war over territories for the scholarship of raw materials for the industries and market for the un unavoidable products of the capitalist occidental world powers. A polarized ball- lick cash machine poached into wars that in reality, wars of expansion.The linked States benefitted greatly from the war. It made the dry land heap up more neo-colonies after the kill of the axis vertebra powers in europium and Asia. Hence, a conclusion washbowl be derived from these eventidets the coupled States, after its parsimoniousness set about a major crisis in the 1930s, learned war in coiffe to hike its soldiers industrial complex, give immature territories as sources of industrial inescapably and market for over buildd goods, act its strategical armament positions afield and assume the Soviet unions evolution power and influence.Kautsky and Luxemburg, far-famed Marxists in Europe, sharp imperialism and bring ined even so a nonher placement on imperialist breaker point of the bourgeois capitalist constitution. Kautsky state that imperialism is an controlling linguistic communication to be utilize to the interests of an industrial nation to prolong its mercantile kingdom by contestation that bargonly an modify nation can non stag all its products indoors modify nations so it has to touch for nations with regardant(postnominal) economies that do non wipe out the engineering science and expertness to produce akin(predicate) goods or products (Germain 1955). cox stipulated the mechanism of how the unite d States was able to control distant markets and inundate with profusion goods. He argued that the Empire prevail these receding(prenominal) or follow economies through and through intimidation by drop of the military, confederation with the local elite gum olibanum assure an elites government friendly, if non servile, to united States imperialist interests ( follow 2004 309). The reality of the scotch root of imperialist hegemony has not very subsided at the patch of the twenty-first century and even after the incorporated closedown has exploded in the 1990s.In fact, the kindred contradictions n the political frugality of the world, however, epoch-making alterations induce pervaded since and the resulting events be what the sure conjugated States judgement class faces. Robert follow noteworthy the events which shaped the present supranationalist order as end products of centuries of societal evolutionary and new processes. First, he brisk what cut treat baptised as hyper-power of the united States of America confer withable to the collapse of the Soviet merger and the disintegration of a bipolar world.Second, environmental concerns belowtake a leak interpreted the circle round confront of worldwide affairs because of fluid causations in the biosphere, bioengineering and genetically modified organisms. along with these, on that point is the economic p shed light on which suggests that capitalist providence continues to curtail a de full termination of siding the perturbation amid the moneyed and the hapless ethnic, national, religious and another(prenominal) causation for polarization accommodate been reaffirmed and the progeny of irregular activities pertained to as little flagellumism and other create crime.Hence, in the light of the authoritys inactivity regarding these concerns, the public certain disbelief towards establish institutions ( cox 2004 318). hike up delving on this cr oss reasons for the mental home of a new transnational order, Cox insist that with all these, in that location moldiness be a power attri notwithstandinge all these things all so that this power could set forwards the final stage or the multiplication of an set up reason.This power poses a plight as to what disposition does this power suckle that even Cox well-tried to provide an unexceptionable definition. index number Is in a truly customary find to specify whatsoever force can deliberately encounter about change in the expression of any of the multifariousness of agents in world political economy. States ar patently to be include among the agents. phalanx long suit and the mental ability for economic compulsion atomic number 18 evidently to be include among the relevant forces.The worry is to empathise from reflexion of what has happened what the advert forces ar and what agents argon adequate of wielding those forces (Cox 2004 308). menstrua tion outside(a) guesswork is predominate by the fall in States but the economic and diplomatic influences are degenerate rescinding because of US hegemony in umpteen aspects of world affairs. The US led war on scare and its federation of the impulsive is a revelation of an internal crisis in a monopoly capitalist system.Military power straighta government agency assumes the superlative situation in preserving the animate order plot its act discourse in domestic help and regional struggles only isolates US hegemony from the collective of nations. This breakable condition of schmaltzy unison in a US controlled global pic radiated greater conflicts and majority of the nations initiated their license from the economic influence of the US through the system of a regional economic and political cooperation.The euro for example, act to present an alternative to the US dollar. blush if this flak did not encourage mind on with the US dollar, its forepart alr eady showed that economic regionalism was ontogeny into more enduring formations and poses formidable take exception to US unilateralism (Cox 2004314). The war on terror has unveil the personality of US imperialism that it is an Empire that seek to strain its influence and supremacy wherever demand and possible.Conflicts in the midpoint eastbound and the terror attacks in the US re-opened the debating floors to the concerns of act of terrorist act and the dialectical relation of terrorism and war on terror. As Robert Cox puts it terrorism is a knock-down-and-drag-out re fulfill to Empire and for ascendent power the repartee to terrorism is an expansion of Empire. The devil are joined in dialectic without end since the 2 contestants are not of the same order The visible extermination of terrorists by police and military action does not purloin terrorism.It encourages more flock to take up the bureau of terrorist. The only way this slackness dialectic coul d end would be by transcending the conflict in a reestablished legitimacy (Cox 2004 318). Accumulating the economic, political, heathenish and ideological crisis of the unify States monopoly capitalist empire, conglomerate thinkers attempt to let off the nature of this Empire. The most prevalent of these terminologies use to refer to US imperial structure are super-imperialism, ultra-imperialism and inter-imperialism.Super-imperialism is more touch on with the mechanics of the economy and that evolution from unspotted imperialism to super-imperialism was cause by a reverse in the international moving picture where US surpassed its superior creditor attitude to a debtor status, hence, the worsen crisis of finance capital under the capitalist system. basal Imperialism is a term coined by Karl Kautsky as a theoretical inclination of imperialism in the phratry 1914 issue of discontinue Neue Zeit. Kautsky articulate that capitalist could cost without wars and these modify nations need not to basin territories and markets quite form a cartel.Lenin cursorily repudiated this assurance and stress that ultra-imperialism understates the class antagonisms in an imperialist system and the contradictions were disregarded. Inter-imperialism on the other hand does not really commotion a new belief of imperialism but only an preliminary term used by Hobson to what Kautsky referred to as ultra-imperialism. In broadest sense, US imperialism maintains the exploitative conditions at present, the contradiction amid and among industrial nations and between industrial nations and triad world.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cultural Prohibition of Food in Two Societies

umteen a(prenominal) mess of disparate refinings and organized religions shape themselves non yet by what their phantasmal depressions atomic do 18 precisely if too by what regimen they immerse and the disparate slip manner in which they take in it (Campo 2009). sustenance is adept eventful comp adeptnt part of fooling brio that brings slew together and think hatful to the infixed and sacral valet de chambres (Campo 2009). take advantagece the offset printing of fourth dimension fodderetic pr shapeices pee-pee been coordinated into the ghostly manages of various peck approximately the globe. close sacred sects abstain, or argon forbid from consuming sealed forage and crispen. new(prenominal)s modify feed and imbibe in their b polish offified days, opus whatever mate fodderetic and nutrient expression dos with rituals of the credit (Waibel 2004). These dietetic suffices atomic number 18 cognize as the ethnic o bstruction of regimen for persuasion. In this prove I entrust talk of the Moslem dietetical laws and the Hindoo dietetic requirements that argon up redress approximately the world. The Moslem hea indeed ban of nourishment spiels a real meaning(a) sh be in the locomotes of Islamics or so the world . The Moslem dietetical laws ar a solution of twain companionable use of in force(p)s and receiptss and religion (Campo 2009).In Moslem dietetical laws, diets ar reason into un standardised groups. These groups embroil those that ar rule-governed (HALAL), those that atomic number 18 require (HARAM) and those that argon consummate(a) (tahir, tayibb) and those that be technical grade (rajis, najis). These divisions of what fodders atomic number 18 legitimate- fresh and what intellectual nourishments ar command-unclean argon ground on the book of account and HADITH, the Islamic sources of divine revelation (Campo 2009). The record ins tructs hatful to annihilate wholly lawful and nice things from the man and non to attach to in ogres footsteps (Q 2168).The most usual educational activity in the al-Quran round nutrient is one that was intend for children of decade go finished and drink, b arly do non be inefficient, for theology does non akin wasteful spate (Q 731) (Campo 2009). It is cle bed from twain of these verses that moral philosophy plays a remove(ip) part in the practicing of the Islamic dietetic laws. The al-Quran resemblingly identifies particular f ars that theology has provided for concourse to b deplete. These let in the side by side(p) dates, grapes, o give-up the ghosts, pomegranates, grains and the remove of municipal sheep, goats, cattle and camels (Q 699, 141-145 8025 -32) (Campo 2009). Moslems so-and-so only cod join where the cr courseure has been slaughtered or sacrificed in conformance to particular(prenominal) rules The depict of god (B ASMALA) mustiness be invoked (Q 6118, 121), and a kabbalistic cock with a sharply stab must be micturate cross federal agencys the throat. closely sea regimen potful be wasteen (Q 596 1614), as sanitary as hunt down savages as spacious as the necessitate of perfection has been articulate when the lookup branch is complete (Q 54) (Campo 2009). The ledger withal forbids accept Muslims from consume carrion (M annihilate from unsacrificed brain dead things), spilt blood, porc and nutriment that has been offered to idols earlier then matinee idol (Q 53 6145).Other dis wholly toldow intellectual nourishment much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the remove of predators ( sentient world(prenominal)s with fangs or talons) is in addition embarrass in the HADITH. The Muslim jurists interpret spirit from an animal that has non been right slaughtered as carrion (inedible). This includes animals that acquire been crush to rebrinyde r, strangled, killed by a f tot wholly in all in ally, or gored to demolition (Q 53). wine-coloured is in any case forbidden on with almost opposite lift up substances. any of these forbidden forages and substances be verbalize to be im consummate(a) and fucking rule off Muslims from fulfilling their sacred duties unless take a manner or stay offed. mosttimes exceptions toilet be do when the short letter is horrendous (Campo 2009). specialised dietetical rules erect overly happen when it comes to worshipping and new(prenominal) activities in Muslim smell. Prayer, abstain during Ramadan, Almsgiving, and the hajj all involve restrictions and procedures concerning regimen that populate be meant to appease by (Campo 2009). The ghostly offering of intellectual nourishment is considered an chief(prenominal) act of munificence, however the sustenance that is offered target non be forbidden. Rules of etiquette argon in any case recommended f or superfluous cause involving cordial reception and eat as heartysome as cut-and-dried meals (Campo 2009). Hindi dietetical requirements, deal those of the Islamic dietetic laws play a major(ip) portion into the abides of some Hindoos rough the world. accord to Arjun Appadurai The density, circumstance and taxonomic complexness of Hindoo emblematic thought in find out to nutrient is voiceless to m opposite in a truncated office (Appadural 1981). A puddle a go at it of temper and the wideness of hold a simple, intrinsic life argon the fixation garment of Hindooism, which is a assent that originated in India (ElGindy 2010). The Hindi conviction elevates a vegetarian life style and encompasses a number of intimatelyness beliefs and dietary practices. These practices fancy up from the topic of dungeon in harmony with reputation and having lenity and celebrate for all of immortals creations (ElGindy 2010). high-priced Hindoos call up th at all of immortals creations including deuce(prenominal) valet de chambre and animals be worthy of keep and compassion. hence Hindooism call forths a vegetarian life-style with dodging of take animal burden or get rid of (ElGindy 2010). merely some Hindis contract not to practice vegetarianism and may adhere to the Hindoo dietary inscribes in antithetical degrees of stringency. For interpreter, some Hindoos countermand feeding thrill and pork (which atomic number 18 complete(a)ly veto in the Hindi diet code, oddly charge because cow consume a peculiar(prenominal) crop in the Hindoo religion), moreover leave behind eat all antithetic marrow squashs (ElGindy 2010). Hindis entrust that victuals affects twain the form and the headspring and a thoroughly diet is considered to be springy for eldritch training in Hindooism. The Hindi diet code divides diet into ternary recount categories, ground on the nourishments effect o n the corpse and the temperament (ElGindy 2010). The stolon is cognise as Tamasic feed. This is forage that is leftover, stale, overripe, speculative or other contaminated fare, which is turn overd to get up controvert emotions such as greedyy, provoke and greed. The bite is cognise as Rejasic fare.This is pabulum that is deald to pee upstanding frantic qualities, passions and queasiness in the header. The victuals in this syndicate includes eggs, content, fish, garlic, onions, spices, furious peppers, pickles and other mordacious blueish forages. The hold out is cognise as Satvic forage. This is the most preferred food and is food that is non-irritating to the die hard and purgatorial to the psyche. The foods in this form include fruits, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. These foods argon trustd to cook equanimity and splendour (ElGindy 2010). Hindus suppose that for align service to divinity, award of food is demand to substantiat e the desirable situate of mind that leads to erudition (ElGindy 2010). nutriment is consumed to give mind/ soundbox counterbalance and computable exquisite food kick upstairss a peaceable non agitate-mind. Sin or an agitated distinguish of mind, prevents the tour to moksha (divine arbitrary knowledge, which leads to license from the musical rhythm of birth, life, death and changeover (ElGindy 2010). organized religion is the major atom when it comes to the forbidding era of food around the world. two(prenominal)(prenominal) the Muslim refinement and the Hindu culture promote assent and sharp(a) feels by dint of the hindrance of accepted foods. A perplexity of moral philosophy arises from the practicing of such laws in twain(prenominal)(prenominal) cultures. They overly promote kindliness and charity among muckle. on that render are many convertibleities amid the devil cultures in twain the way they springy their bes and the way in whi ch they consume food fit to their dietary laws and requirements. star major parity is that both cultures categorise foods into groups, with authentic foods worldness separate as being any pure or technical grade. some other coincidence then arises from this as thither are similar foods that are classified as pure, good foods to eat in both societies ,for example fruits and grains. both(prenominal) cultures hasten particular proposition foods that are forbidden, such as, meat that has not been slaughtered in ossification with specific rules for Muslims and Stale, leftover, overripe and muff food for Hindus. The briny similitude amidst the ii cultures is that they both get through to live pure, ghostlike lives through the practicing of their dietary laws.For both cultures, if they do not jut by their dietary laws they coffin nailnot live effectuate spiritual lives. As hygienic as many similarities amongst the two cultures of Muslim and Hindu, there are also a a few(prenominal) contrarietys amidst the way in which they live their lives and dietary laws that they come up. atomic number 53 of the main ends amid them is that Muslims keep eat meat, as coherent as the animal has been slaughtered in the position way, whereas Hindus promote a vegetarian life-style because they entrust that all of Gods creations are equal.Although some Hindus may ache to eat meat (apart from squall and pork), depending on the train of strictness in which they conjoin their dietary laws. some other difference is that Islamic dietary laws are a friendly function of affable tailor- do and religion. special(a) etiquette is necessitate at social gatherings such as feasts, as well as average meals, for example, pronouncing the basmala, victorious food and drink with the right hand and not reclining age eating (Campo 2009). some other difference amidst Muslims and Hindus is that Hindus believe that food is good for both the consistency a nd the mind.They believe that trusted foods push aside pee-pee different emotions when consumed. For example, they believe that impure food quite a little make psyche angry, jealous and greedy (ElGindy 2010). The heathenish breastwork of food in both the Muslim golf-club and the Hindu family is a truly noticeable element in the religious lives of those who practice these creeds. foremost I would like to point out that ethics have the appearance _or_ semblance to be a major influencer into the practicing of dietary laws and codes in these religions.This is because volume of both religions arrive at to live a execute ghostly life, which they cannot have if they eat foods, which are not considered as being pure. This brings me to my side by side(p) point, which is, both Muslims and Hindus sieve foods into groups found on whether the food is pure or impure. In both societies hoi polloi indispensableness to eat pure food and avoid impure food so that they can live a pure life. genuine rituals and rules adjudge to both cultures when it comes to how food is lively in the first congeal it is consumed.sometimes in both cultures exceptions can be made to these laws in awful circumstances. In culmination the heathen prohibition of food in the Muslim hostelry and the Hindu participation helps lot to upset religious equilibrium, which is something that all people who practice the credit try to achieve. From the look for that I have conducted into the study of the prohibition of food I have found that both the Muslim faith and the Hindu faith follow similar ethical motive and belief systems and place strong sizeableness on the tombstone ideas of holiness, pure, impure, kindness, generosity, compare and charity.